Friday, April 8, 2011

The Skulking Neutral

Let us all therefore, of every rank and degree, remember our plighted faith and honour, to maintain the cause with our lives and fortunes. Let us inflexibly persevere in prosecuting to a happy period, what has been so gloriously began, and hitherto so prosperously conducted. And let those in more distinguished stations, use all their influence and authority, to rouse the supine; to animate the Irresolute; to confirm the wavering; and to draw from his lurking hole, the skulking neutral, who leaving to others the heat and burden of the day, means in the final result, to reap the fruits of that victory, for which he will not contend. Let us be peculiarly assiduous in bringing to condign punishment, those detestable parricides, who have been openly active against their native country. And may we, in all our deliberations and proceedings, be influenced and directed by the Great Arbiter of the fate of nations, by whom empires rise and fall; and who will not always suffer the sceptre of the wicked to rest on the lot of the righteous; but in due time, avenge an injured people on their unfeeling oppressor, and his bloody instruments.