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Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations
Directorate of Operations
Office of Health and Fitness
RE: Psychological Evaluation of Agent Hope Hubris
EVALUATOR: Hermann Rorschach
SUMMARY EVALUATION: After interviewing the case file for Hope Hubris, conducting personal interviews and completing a full battering of psychological tests, it is apparent that Hope Hubris unlike any Keldon I have examined. Here we have an untamed beast, honorable only to a point, and willing to do almost anything to achieve his ends.The subject exhibits severe anti-social narcissistic tendencies, has difficulty understanding the subtext of social interactions and possesses an inclination toward violence which makes him a menace to society.
Raised by adoptive human parents who are now deceased, he has no familial ties remaining in the verse. Preferring to establish his own society within the context of his friends, no relationships outside of those connections mean anything to him. The subject entered military service for the Union with the purpose of killing "bad people" for the fun of it, and he is a part of the infamous Union Liberation Front. Compounding the subject's instability is his overblown sense of his own importance and severe delusions of grandeur, which at best manifests in pomposity, arrogance and bloviation but at worst borders on megalomania.
The best way to understand the subject's psychological make up is to be exposed to some of the answers given during the evaluation process. (SEE BELOW)
In your own words, tell me about yourself, Hope Hubris?
Hope and hubris? Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope and hubris are dangerous things. They will drive you insane. They got no use inside faction space, and are even more dangerous in the neutral zone. You'd better get used to that idea, because bad luck floats freely around the verse. It's got to land on somebody. If you let yourself get distracted by silly things like hope and hubris, then it will be your turn when bad luck finds you, that's all.
Okay then. . . If you won't explain yourself, will you at least tell me why do you think you engage in such anti-social behavior?
Before his death, my father told me, "Son, you are a fighter. Go fight for something decent." I searched this crappy verse for decency, but found instead that injustice and dishonesty fly the flag of respectable behavior. I don't trust that. We inhabit a verse of deceit, dishonor, and petty squabbles buried within faction wars.
In the chaos of battle, when the vacuous dark surrounding your ship is a slurry of blood, plastic, metallic parts, rapidly expanding gas, and the charred flesh of friends and enemies alike, it is easy to curse your foe or turn to the gods for salvation. But that is a fools errand, it is soldiers who do the fighting, and soldiers who do the dying. The gods (like the leaders of the Federation and the Empire), never get into the action.
But when you fly the pirate flag, every where is pirate space, every planet a pirate haven, and every ship/building a potential target. You have few friends, but many things to shoot at. Ask no questions. Believe only what you see. No, believe only half of what you see. And shoot anything that moves.
I see. . .then you really don't care about the union as much as you like causing mayhem and destruction?
No, I do believe in some of what the Union stands for. But the problem is that the leadership of the Empire & the Federation have grown corrupt by their own power over the people of their factions. They have a strangle hold on the major alliances. They steal from faction pilots with taxation for defenses. Taxing pilots serves nothing more than filling the leaders own greed. They claim taxation is for defense and protection, but their feeble walls of military outposts do nothing but confine the weak and feeble minded.
Those so called leaders claim to act in the best interest of the faction, but really they serve only themselves. They fight no wars on the front lines, but instead hire mercenaries to do their dirty work and let the faction youth waste their energies in forlorn hopes. And all the while they line their pockets with faction credits, supplying war materials and growing ever fat upon the bravery of others.
It is all a lie. There is no hope, only destruction.
Once the truth is exposed,
Anarchy must follow,
Chaos will triumph,
There is no hope,
There is only destruction.
That is the situation we now face in Orion. . .
So you are seeking freedom and liberty or some other noble truth, I presume?
The concept is pure, simple, true, it inspires me, lights a rebellious fire, but ultimately I learned the lesson that Goldman, Prudot and the others learned. That true freedom requires sacrifice and pain. Most pilots only think they want freedom. In truth they yearn for the bondage of social order, rigid laws, materialism, the only freedom most really want is the freedom to become comfortable.
A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right.
So you fight for the Union as an 'outlaw' because in your mind they are better at providing freedom than the other two factions?
No. I do it because I like to kill people. And the Union was smart enough to give me a license to do so. So for that, I say, "May the Gods bless Union."
Umm hmm, I am not sure you are even answering my questions at this point, but let's try one more . . . in your own words. . .what is the nature of the ULF? Is it a pirate alliance, a war alliance, or what?
The ULF is a little bit of everything to be honest. We have former members of famous pirates, union patriots, guerrillas, mercenaries, and bounty hunters. At one time or another, we have all shot at each other and some of us have even been foes. But now we fight for the union... in times of war . . . and in peace.
In many ways, we represent the very best and the very worst the universe has to offer. We are buccaneers. A cross between genuine privateers, commissioned to defend the union, and outright pirates and freebooters. To put it simply: We are bold plunderers, shrewd strategists, and greedy adventurers who frequently engage in vicious acts of cruelty. We are the outlaws the Union once represented.
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